Building an Awareness Practice

In Forum you’ll develop an Awareness practice that provides and essential set of foundation skills for achieving greater well-being. With each meeting of the community you’ll utilize, hone and adopt these life-changing Awareness skills, so that you can powerfully integrate them into your daily life. When practiced properly, these skills can fundamentally shift your state of mind, your emotions, how you feel physically, and spiritually.

  • You’ll learn to listen with awareness
    Without true listening, we cannot make meaning. Listening is the act of receiving—without judgement—what another has to offer, and to respond to it meaningfully, integrating it into our lives, and growing by it.

  • You’ll learn to notice with empathy.
    We must begin with where we find ourselves. We cannot grow something new in our lives, if we can’t first understand the place from where we are beginning. We cannot discover where we want to go, if we do not first know where we are. Noticing is a means to examine our inner lives, and understand those around us.

  • You’’ll learn to ask with curiosity.
    The art of asking honest, open questions connects you to others more deeply, widens the circle of positive influence in our lives, and sparks new opportunities for growth, expansion of beliefs, and adoption of diverse, rich perspectives.

  • You’ll learn to shift with intention.
    To grow, expanding our consciousness, changing our thinking, behaviors, and way of being, requires an intentional shift in how we frame our reality. The practice of shifting our reality from a place of increased awareness leads to sustained well-being over time.


Expanding Compassion


Changing Internal Beliefs