Unearthing Unique Potential

Every person has something unique to contribute. And when you are centered in what your unique potential is—or can be—you will find it easier to attain states of flow, make decisions that help you grow, and act in alignment with what gives you meaning. 

To do so requires coming to know yourself. In Forum, you’ll learn a few ways in which you can do just that: bring awareness and attention to what you value, understand your personality and the conditions in which it thrives, identify your strengths and talents, and remind yourself of your passions

Once you bring attention to these areas of self-exploration, you can use the knowledge to create the conditions that most unlock and enable your unique potential. For example, if you understand the values you cherish most, then decisions based in them will be more satisfying than those that aren’t. Or, if you determine (as part of your personality) that you need alone time in order to be most energized at other times, you can deliberately build this time into your schedule so that you are optimizing for what naturally suits your ability to be fully engaged. And by understanding, for example, that your strength lies in verbal communication, you can schedule in-person meetings rather than defaulting to written form. Or perhaps through reflection, you articulate four areas of growth that you are very passionate about. Using this knowledge can help you to figure out a way to build those exciting growth areas into your next project. All this leads to greater well-being, and more insight into how you can uniquely contribute and realize your full potential.


Cultivating Purpose


Setting Boundaries